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"Post Implementation Distress™" Cured
              by Noble & Associates Consulting, Inc

Large scale software solutions rarely occur without some hiccups. They can be downright painful. And after implementation companies discover there is more work to do.

a provider of business and functional support for Oracle E-Business software implementations and upgrades worldwide, announces its focus on the cure for "Post Implementation Distress" (P.I.D.)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or other large scale software projects are extremely costly in terms of time and money. Even after the implementation, things do not always go smoothly. Most people have heard the horror stories about the chaos and distress that follows ERP system implementations. Do you have trepidations of your own?

All of these ailments can be summed up with the phrase: Post Implementation Distress (P.I.D.). It causes system benefits and return on investment to be elusive. Many companies are unable to demonstrate the efficiencies that the software promised to bring. The problem is not the software. The problem is not the employees. The problem is the lack of an ongoing solution to meet the needs of your business.

The cure for Post Implementation Distress is having the proper procedures, processes, documentation and expanded training. “The professionals at Noble & Associates Consulting have experience with software implementation and support. We know your pain”, says Sandra Noble, president. The first step is to examine the symptoms and come up with a diagnosis and plan of action.

“To stop the initial bleeding, the bandage may be to review, analyze and manage service requests and problem resolution activities. The prescription for lasting relief from P.I.D. may include change management and business process reengineering. Also, experience has shown that an extra dose of training is beneficial after employees have begun to use the system. A simple fix may involve better or additional documentation. “Having the proper tools in place allows both the employees and system to function effectively”. Noble continued.

Stop suffering from Post Implementation Distress! There are many reasons to rid yourself of the stress, distress and dysfunction in your organization: increased employee morale, accelerated return on investment, enhanced competitiveness, profitability and stability, to name a few. Call Noble & Associates Consulting for the cure at (+01) 404 374 3384 or visit . Put the "Noble Advantage" to work for you!

About Noble & Associates Consulting, Inc

Noble & Associates Consulting offers cost effective, enterprise-wide (ERP) e-Business software solutions delivered by experienced professionals with industry, business and application knowledge and expertise. They also specialize in IT needs assessments, RFP creation and unbiased software selection assistance. And we're the cure for Post Implementation Distress.
"Reducing The STRESS of Software Implementations Worldwide".

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IT / ERP / Software Consultant - Business Strategy – WBE, MBE, DBE
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